Nicolas Schulz holds a B.Sc. and a PhD in Chemical Engineering. Early in his career, he worked for international companies such as Honeywell and Dow Chemical. His projects ranged from process control to equipment design in the petrochemical industry. Subsequently, he was offered several prestigious grants to carry out research in renewable energy technologies. These included grants from CONICET in Argentina, DAAD in Germany and the European Union Marie Curie FP7. Shortly after completing these projects, Nicolas Schulz was appointed to a position at Argentina's research council, CONICET.

In 2016 he transitioned back from academia to industry in the UK.

He later became a fuel development lead at Babwe Barton Enterprises (now Barton Blakely Technologies, BBT).

He is currently a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the American Chemical Society and the International Society of Electrochemistry.

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