Alfredo Hernández is a doctor born in the city of La Plata (Argentina), specialised in neurosurgery (35 years of career) and Professor of Neurology at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of La Plata – Argentina –

He is also a professor of the Sports and Neurosciences Diploma of the Institute of Sports Sciences of the Favaloro University of Buenos Aires. On the other hand, he carries out educational and training activities in sport (rugby) as part of a game safety commission of the Buenos Aires Rugby Union and between 2014-2020 he had the World Rugby medical educator license.

He is currently a member of the group of the International Sport Science Forum ( founded in Sydney by Enrique Topo Rodríguez, which is fundamentally dedicated to the prevention and care of athletes.

He co-directs a multidisciplinary educational platform based on neuroscience and motor skills called Neurar (